Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The love of sisters.... and a Double Rainbow from God!

I am one blessed girl!! I have 4 wonderful and amazing sisters!!

I was frustrated this morning... dishes in the sink and trash not taken out! UCK! I live with my son and his family at this point and normally things are really pretty easy going for me. I try to stay out of their "personal issues" as no one wants a Mom to tell them at 21 yrs old... how to live and what to do anymore! Right? So ... the trash was high... spilling really. And I was just kinda irritated, must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed. And my oldest sis calls... she lives an hour and a half away but we have not seen each other since July (she is a jet setter !! LOL Just returned from a trip to Greece with her wonderful hubby!) ... anyhow, she is working at the Ronald McDonald house as she does quite regularly... and it's here in Lubbock, so she is checking my schedule so we can meet up!

I clear it!! LOL... (I got this! ...this school thing down, that is!) So we make plans to go explore the SAMS Club (she needs BULK diapers and I need groceries) and any time spent with my sis is a pleasure! 

We do our shoppin... and she asks if I wanna go meet our other sis at Caprock ... a restaurant here in Lubbock... for chips, salsa, and a couple of beers! WELL...how silly of a question! Of course I do!! 

Not only do I get great conversation... kidding , pokin, laughing, etc. but someone points out a really cool rainbow forming. Well, if you have ever been to Caprock and sat on their "covered" porch... you will appreciate the cool breeze, the sweet smell of the fresh rain, and the view (normally is only of a parking lot!!) however , today was of this rainbow. I thought it was "pretty" and always having a camera on me... I snapped a few pics. Then the SECOND rainbow shows up and I am truly in awe! (yep! Got some pics of that too!)

God always reminds us in so many beautiful and wondrous ways that we are blessed and showered with His love and kindness! A once in a lifetime "double rainbow" and 2 of my 4 "one-of-a-kind" sisters there to see it with me!!

How great is our God?

Was my attitude the same when I came back home ? No! How could it be? Plus... my wonderful son was at the stove making dinner, trash was gone, dishes were clean!

My sisters and me!
I'm a happy, blessed and loved girl today and I feel Crazy Fantastic!!

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