Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 1... EEEK!!

Ok... So not only am I enrolled in school full time for Interior Design... but I have tackled the chore (and I do mean chore) of doing one of these 'Work at home' businesses!! Right now... my head is pounding and I wish nothing more than to THROW this computer on the floor and storm out of my room!!

"You must sign up for a Twitter acct.. a blog... get on Digg.... " is what the instructions are for this new "make money from the comfort of your home" business tutorials tell me!

Oh... and don't forget to pick your products from hundreds of thousands... they forget to tell you how LONG it will take to look at each and every one, attach it to your "site" and just try and relocate the page you were quickly!!

I'm not illiterate! I am enrolled in ON LINE SCHOOL for gosh sakes!! I have emails... I have ... YES! FACEBOOK!! =) I know Craigslist... Yahoo... Google!


Let's look at this another way!

1) I am ALIVE and HEALTHY!!!
2) I have the opportunity to have the things others do not... (attending college, start a business, have a computer... heck! Have a home and electricty! )
3) Throwing this computer WILL not make all this suddenly disappear.. my school won't get done... my business web page will not build itself! And I really don't wanna have to go buy another laptop!!
4) I can do this!! (after a short time out!! ) =)
5) I can do all things through Christ!!

So... I will take a self induced "time out" for awhile and return fresh in mind and spirit!!

(CrazyFantastic's tip of the day: When we find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated... taking a moment or two, even an hour or more... is GOOD ! Don't feel like you are wasting time or procrastinating. REJUVINATING is essential for peaceful minds and peaceful lives! No matter how crazy it gets!)

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