Friday, October 22, 2010

Do I need to enroll in another class for this?

The day started off  with a bang! Harps and Christian praises. I was bound and determined to open my Bible first before any ummmm... ex mail!! lol So I did! Right after closing my eyes and asking that God reveal to me His lesson for my life ... and boy did he reveal!

Beattitudes! HUH? But Lord? I always try to have such a positive , sweet attitude! What gives? (Matt. 5: 1-12)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."  (but my spirit is rich with joy, God!)
"Blessed are they that mourn..." ( but God, aren't I through mourning? He
                                                        has been gone over 7 years!)
"Blessed are the meek..." (OH! OK... meek might be an issue!)
"Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness..." ( I do! I do!)
"Blessed are the merciful..." (Awww... come on! I try! But did you see what
                                                 they did?)
"Blessed are the peacemakers..." (Cool... I got that one!)
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake..." (ummm... ?)
"Blessed are ye, when men (ex's) revile you, and persecute you, and shall say 
  all manner of evil against you falsely, for my names sake. REJOICE and be
  EXCEEDINGLY GLAD, for great is your  reward in heaven...." (YAY!
                                                                                                       Whoot whoot!)

I know ... He promises... Mine is the Kingdom of Heaven, I WILL be comforted, I WILL inherit the earth, I WILL be filled, I WILL obtain mercy, I WILL see God, I WILL be called His Child, and I WILL have great rewards in Heaven!

This spurred me on to watch one of Mark Crow's on-line services (He is awesome.. if you get a chance go check it out!
I cannot say enough about him and his wonderful sense of humor and passion for not only us but for Our Lord! You will laugh and be fed fantastically with just a short 25 min video. They are my church home in Oklahoma City, Ok. and I really miss them! Shout out to Victory Church in OKC!! =) I love you guys!

So... feeling rejuvinated and ready to conquer the world. I set about tackling my new project of love... our church bulletin.

Now, remember.... I am in school for Interior Design... NOT Graphic Design! It is a whole different, amazing world!! Creative Design (Jacob Cass) is a friend on Facebook so I have to say I am increasingly becoming intrigued by this whole Logo and reworking pics type thing. Check out his site at

But... the programs feel like I need a B.S. in them to work! Maybe my mind just does not grasp all the "tech lingo" ... hence the INTERIOR DESIGNER FUTURE!! Lol

I want to say... the brochure turned out beautiful, If I may say so myself! Problem is... It's a WORD document that I did it on and no amount of saving it to any PDF ...XPS... etc etc... is helping me to figure out how to upload it to this blog ... or anywhere else that is! LOL

I have the "picture" and "link" thing down! And I see a little icon for a "movie" up there in my ribbon (HA! I DO know a little lingo! thanks to my Computer App class! ) but.... ????? I do not know what to do from here!

I'm usually pretty good at research but I'm tired and my head hurts from so much creating today!

Jacob... if you are reading this... HELP!! LOL
Anyone else know how to help? HELP!!! =)

Night everyone in my Crazy Fantastic World!!

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