Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just when I thought I was feeling down....

Ok... so I'm feeling sore from moving furniture and not quite my happy girl self today when my Westwood Success Coach calls me to visit with me about my new term(  we are in our 2nd week... on a new "MyPath" Blackboard system).

School is great... actually already "found" the project tab in ALL my classes FIRST this term... they did kinda surprise me and left me tazmanian devil like state of mind last term when...."SURPRISE SURPRISE!!... oh! you did not know?? It's due in a couple of weeks... you should have been working on it the whole term!!"

So... with my projects well underway (I can have a little bit of a life now!) ... and the new platform or whatever it is... MyPath... being pretty easy to understand and navigate. I have NO PROBLEMS to report to Korie.

What I never saw coming was her little BIG news that I made the Presidents List last term with a 4.0! OH MY!  =)  Now THAT'S COOL!! And sure could not have come at a better time.

You see... I have an ex. He's not a pleasant man to be polite and not drag ALLLL my dirt up in here... but, for others who know what it is like to experience verbal abuse ... I have great news for you! GET AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN .... You REALLY can rise above that little (sometimes not so quiet..) voice in your head !!!!  You know.... the one that sounds a whole heck of alot like that person who tells you how stupid you are, or what a failure you are and how you can NEVER be or have anything without them!???

I did it! So can others. I know that I am not any more "special" than every other human being on this earth! You just have to start making the steps toward getting away from people like that. It will take alot of fake bravada and pretending you believe it at first. You might even wear on a few close friends as you gain the confidence we so desperately need to break that chain of hopelessness and despair. ( and it helps to keep your Lord real tight next to you at this point too!  He can offer what no human can offer 100% of the time.... unconditional love and support, always the "right words" at the "right time" and man... can He ever cure the lonliness and worry giving you peace like none other! )

I'm not gonna preach... We have Pastors and Preachers and Teachers for that! I only want to encourage others, hopefully by example and testimony... because I have been there.... I AM THERE!  But... I aint staying much longer!! =)

I do not "plan" my blogs... they just sorta happen! Feel free to share them, feel free to comment! I write them purely because I feel led to. If no one ever reads them... they at least help me get some junk out of this everychanging, ever GROWING, heart and mind of mine!!

(Crazy Fantastic tip: IF you are reading this and are having problems with an abusive partner ... please reach out to someone immediately! Time is so precious and life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. God has so many wonderful FANTASTIC and yes... CRAZY (good) things to pour on you and in you! Wasting one extra day with someone who does not love and appreciate you the way that God designed and created you for is a heartbreak for everyone who loves you! Do NOT worry or think you will be a burden! The REAL burden is watching us stay and be hurt and NOT being able to help us! No one can make that choice for us! We have to do it ourselves... they are just there to help when we do! Don't wait another minute! Be cautious, Be Smart! Sneaky is a good thing when leaving abusive partners! Your life (and those of your kids if you have some) is worth it!! God Bless us and keep us protected~ ! )

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