Saturday, October 16, 2010

ahhh... peace and quiet for the body and soul!

I just finished a long day fighting computer applications and web sites that I "had" to learn. My head is pounding a little... but, my homework is done for the week (yay!) ... my business has a few products on it... not really the kind I am looking for, but some. Now I can rest and just browse. (I really should get cable TV so I could just veg in front of it instead of working and planning and researching for projects so much!)

But alas... I am not irritated by this laptop at the moment... nor do I really care about the "business" I  am building... tomorrow is another day! BIG improvement on earlier today.. huh? =)

Tomorrow's to do list?...

GOODY!! I get to "create" and "design"! (My friend has ended a long relationship and found her and her youngest daughter a new townhome! They request the services of this student designer. Nothing major... I don't get to go shop for cool stuff. (We are both broke!! LOL) ... but I do get to arrange it into a warm and comforting space for her and Maddie to come "home" to and that is good enough for me!

Then.... I have a cousin coming in from where I just left (Oklahoma) ... and her and her sis and a few other friends and family are gonna get together and just  be silly!!  I can't wait!!

It's been a long time since I have seen her... she lived in a different town in Okla. and I had no idea she was that close!!

The older I get... and the more break-ups and crap I experience (yep.. I've had my share! ) .. the more I realize how very special and important friends and family are!

(CrazyFantastic tip for tonight: Hold your family near and dear to you! Life is so very, very short and people come and go. Some before we want them to ... some not near fast enough!! ha ha... We all misunderstand, misinterpret, and sometimes just don't understand! Don't let it fester and ruin a lifetime of memories you could be making with your sister or brother or cousin or parent. You will look back when they are gone and regret it! Handle it now! Today! Call them.. write them!! Fix the issue .. if only to say " we disagree on the issue". Hold strong the bonds of family ties! They are what holds us as a piece of each other when one of us passes away. )

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