Thursday, October 28, 2010

When Letting go is the right thing to do....

Sometimes we get lonely and when the ex is still contacting us.... we entertain the thought that, well... if only ...!

But when you have beat that poor dead horse into the ground... tried everything from couseling to separation (numerous times) ... dated his friend (just kidding... seeing if you were paying attention!) it's time to just bury the beast and move on. But what if we are stuck in that limbo hell? The one "between relationships"? The one where our heart still loves the last one, but can't seem to forgive and forget the pain he caused?

 Sometimes we have to step back and re-evaluate our feelings.

Are they coming from just lonliness? If a new guy came in and wow'd us... would we even think twice about the ex? Probably not. Afterall... we are not together for a very good reason. One or both just couldn't make it work. Don't get me wrong. As much as that sounds like a "failure" statement, it is not meant to be one.

Relationships are hard work! They require constant open and honest communication. A skill so many people are malnourished in. They require that you be "considerate"... allllll the time. (No one deserves to be treated less-than or insignifigant. We ALL want to matter, especially to the one we bare our hopes and dreams and future with!) They require sacrifice and unselfishness. They require us to "understand" and "sympthize". A give and take, when often it feels like we are the only one giving. They require patience and forgiveness. And most of all they require unconditional love. A concept humans have a real struggle with.

We are selfish creatures by nature. Wanting what we want, when we want it. So how do we balance what we see for our future with what our partner sees?We FIND the right partner in the first place by getting to really know them before jumping to the "next step".

I recently joined a dating site in which long term relationships seem to be the goal... and there is not much patience by most to actually LET the relationship move at a casual pace. I am disappointed to say the least. What ever happened to casual conversation? Has the 3 date rule turned into a 3- EMAIL RULE?
They say "hi", you say "hi"... they want your number... you call... the date must be immediate? Maybe I am missing something here. Maybe I do not belong on a site yet. But , I DID state very clearly my intentions and limitations. I have a very busy schedule with school work and church. Those are my priorities for this period of my life. If I wanted to throw them away for another man and what HE thinks should be important... I would go back to my ex. At least then... I know what the routine is!

There is one who knows the concept and the reality of uncondional love. That is My God. So as lonliness sets in and human nature rears it's ugly head. I only know , at this point in my life, to pray that the ex stops contacting me as it keeps my heart in turmoil... and pray that the lonliness is replaced with His love and His comfort as only God can do.  Maybe once I stop looking to "man" to give me the love I so desire... God will work in me to make the woman he created me to be...maybe then, He will hook me up with someone He created FOR me to love!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hey!! I forgot about my Google Doc acct!

Ok... so I remembered... I have a Google Doc acct and so I used it to upload the church bulletin!

Go check it out!! And feel free to tell me what you think!


Do I need to enroll in another class for this?

The day started off  with a bang! Harps and Christian praises. I was bound and determined to open my Bible first before any ummmm... ex mail!! lol So I did! Right after closing my eyes and asking that God reveal to me His lesson for my life ... and boy did he reveal!

Beattitudes! HUH? But Lord? I always try to have such a positive , sweet attitude! What gives? (Matt. 5: 1-12)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."  (but my spirit is rich with joy, God!)
"Blessed are they that mourn..." ( but God, aren't I through mourning? He
                                                        has been gone over 7 years!)
"Blessed are the meek..." (OH! OK... meek might be an issue!)
"Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness..." ( I do! I do!)
"Blessed are the merciful..." (Awww... come on! I try! But did you see what
                                                 they did?)
"Blessed are the peacemakers..." (Cool... I got that one!)
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake..." (ummm... ?)
"Blessed are ye, when men (ex's) revile you, and persecute you, and shall say 
  all manner of evil against you falsely, for my names sake. REJOICE and be
  EXCEEDINGLY GLAD, for great is your  reward in heaven...." (YAY!
                                                                                                       Whoot whoot!)

I know ... He promises... Mine is the Kingdom of Heaven, I WILL be comforted, I WILL inherit the earth, I WILL be filled, I WILL obtain mercy, I WILL see God, I WILL be called His Child, and I WILL have great rewards in Heaven!

This spurred me on to watch one of Mark Crow's on-line services (He is awesome.. if you get a chance go check it out!
I cannot say enough about him and his wonderful sense of humor and passion for not only us but for Our Lord! You will laugh and be fed fantastically with just a short 25 min video. They are my church home in Oklahoma City, Ok. and I really miss them! Shout out to Victory Church in OKC!! =) I love you guys!

So... feeling rejuvinated and ready to conquer the world. I set about tackling my new project of love... our church bulletin.

Now, remember.... I am in school for Interior Design... NOT Graphic Design! It is a whole different, amazing world!! Creative Design (Jacob Cass) is a friend on Facebook so I have to say I am increasingly becoming intrigued by this whole Logo and reworking pics type thing. Check out his site at

But... the programs feel like I need a B.S. in them to work! Maybe my mind just does not grasp all the "tech lingo" ... hence the INTERIOR DESIGNER FUTURE!! Lol

I want to say... the brochure turned out beautiful, If I may say so myself! Problem is... It's a WORD document that I did it on and no amount of saving it to any PDF ...XPS... etc etc... is helping me to figure out how to upload it to this blog ... or anywhere else that is! LOL

I have the "picture" and "link" thing down! And I see a little icon for a "movie" up there in my ribbon (HA! I DO know a little lingo! thanks to my Computer App class! ) but.... ????? I do not know what to do from here!

I'm usually pretty good at research but I'm tired and my head hurts from so much creating today!

Jacob... if you are reading this... HELP!! LOL
Anyone else know how to help? HELP!!! =)

Night everyone in my Crazy Fantastic World!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Purple... you gotta love this!!

WOW! I just had to share this totally amazing room ! For all the fellow "purple" lovers (come on... it's NOT girly!!) ! It's down right stunning!

Now that... is room a Crazy Fantastic girl could hang out in!!

Just when I thought I was feeling down....

Ok... so I'm feeling sore from moving furniture and not quite my happy girl self today when my Westwood Success Coach calls me to visit with me about my new term(  we are in our 2nd week... on a new "MyPath" Blackboard system).

School is great... actually already "found" the project tab in ALL my classes FIRST this term... they did kinda surprise me and left me tazmanian devil like state of mind last term when...."SURPRISE SURPRISE!!... oh! you did not know?? It's due in a couple of weeks... you should have been working on it the whole term!!"

So... with my projects well underway (I can have a little bit of a life now!) ... and the new platform or whatever it is... MyPath... being pretty easy to understand and navigate. I have NO PROBLEMS to report to Korie.

What I never saw coming was her little BIG news that I made the Presidents List last term with a 4.0! OH MY!  =)  Now THAT'S COOL!! And sure could not have come at a better time.

You see... I have an ex. He's not a pleasant man to be polite and not drag ALLLL my dirt up in here... but, for others who know what it is like to experience verbal abuse ... I have great news for you! GET AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN .... You REALLY can rise above that little (sometimes not so quiet..) voice in your head !!!!  You know.... the one that sounds a whole heck of alot like that person who tells you how stupid you are, or what a failure you are and how you can NEVER be or have anything without them!???

I did it! So can others. I know that I am not any more "special" than every other human being on this earth! You just have to start making the steps toward getting away from people like that. It will take alot of fake bravada and pretending you believe it at first. You might even wear on a few close friends as you gain the confidence we so desperately need to break that chain of hopelessness and despair. ( and it helps to keep your Lord real tight next to you at this point too!  He can offer what no human can offer 100% of the time.... unconditional love and support, always the "right words" at the "right time" and man... can He ever cure the lonliness and worry giving you peace like none other! )

I'm not gonna preach... We have Pastors and Preachers and Teachers for that! I only want to encourage others, hopefully by example and testimony... because I have been there.... I AM THERE!  But... I aint staying much longer!! =)

I do not "plan" my blogs... they just sorta happen! Feel free to share them, feel free to comment! I write them purely because I feel led to. If no one ever reads them... they at least help me get some junk out of this everychanging, ever GROWING, heart and mind of mine!!

(Crazy Fantastic tip: IF you are reading this and are having problems with an abusive partner ... please reach out to someone immediately! Time is so precious and life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. God has so many wonderful FANTASTIC and yes... CRAZY (good) things to pour on you and in you! Wasting one extra day with someone who does not love and appreciate you the way that God designed and created you for is a heartbreak for everyone who loves you! Do NOT worry or think you will be a burden! The REAL burden is watching us stay and be hurt and NOT being able to help us! No one can make that choice for us! We have to do it ourselves... they are just there to help when we do! Don't wait another minute! Be cautious, Be Smart! Sneaky is a good thing when leaving abusive partners! Your life (and those of your kids if you have some) is worth it!! God Bless us and keep us protected~ ! )

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The love of sisters.... and a Double Rainbow from God!

I am one blessed girl!! I have 4 wonderful and amazing sisters!!

I was frustrated this morning... dishes in the sink and trash not taken out! UCK! I live with my son and his family at this point and normally things are really pretty easy going for me. I try to stay out of their "personal issues" as no one wants a Mom to tell them at 21 yrs old... how to live and what to do anymore! Right? So ... the trash was high... spilling really. And I was just kinda irritated, must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed. And my oldest sis calls... she lives an hour and a half away but we have not seen each other since July (she is a jet setter !! LOL Just returned from a trip to Greece with her wonderful hubby!) ... anyhow, she is working at the Ronald McDonald house as she does quite regularly... and it's here in Lubbock, so she is checking my schedule so we can meet up!

I clear it!! LOL... (I got this! ...this school thing down, that is!) So we make plans to go explore the SAMS Club (she needs BULK diapers and I need groceries) and any time spent with my sis is a pleasure! 

We do our shoppin... and she asks if I wanna go meet our other sis at Caprock ... a restaurant here in Lubbock... for chips, salsa, and a couple of beers! silly of a question! Of course I do!! 

Not only do I get great conversation... kidding , pokin, laughing, etc. but someone points out a really cool rainbow forming. Well, if you have ever been to Caprock and sat on their "covered" porch... you will appreciate the cool breeze, the sweet smell of the fresh rain, and the view (normally is only of a parking lot!!) however , today was of this rainbow. I thought it was "pretty" and always having a camera on me... I snapped a few pics. Then the SECOND rainbow shows up and I am truly in awe! (yep! Got some pics of that too!)

God always reminds us in so many beautiful and wondrous ways that we are blessed and showered with His love and kindness! A once in a lifetime "double rainbow" and 2 of my 4 "one-of-a-kind" sisters there to see it with me!!

How great is our God?

Was my attitude the same when I came back home ? No! How could it be? Plus... my wonderful son was at the stove making dinner, trash was gone, dishes were clean!

My sisters and me!
I'm a happy, blessed and loved girl today and I feel Crazy Fantastic!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

When we surrender to God's will... wonderful things happen!

Last night was crazy... went to my cousin's house to join in a small get together with many more family members the I have not seen in close to 20 years!! Things got emotional... things got heated... then things ended in hugs and kisses! Isn't it funny how families are?

I drank a little much ... that has not happened in , hmmmm.... maybe 2-3 years! So, my need to hit the porcelain throne overwhelmed me! UCK!  Don't think I will do that one again for a long time!

And  the next paragraph....

Church! Sound funny moving from getting drunk to going to church sound hypocritical??????  I am not your "churchy" kind of girl... however, I have a ever growing, every loving relationship with my God so ... yes! I went to church this morning. Feeling not so well physically, I pushed myself to get dressed and get there anyhow.

I am so glad I did! You see... God knows me well!  =)  He has graciously and lovingly kept me safe and He loves me unconditionally. What a gift that is... in a world so cold at times. He has held my hand when Quinn (my husband) died 7 1/2 yrs ago. He has gone before me to keep me safe when I made stupid choices to use meth. He now walks with me and provides for me as I seek Him and pursue not only my continued education but as I learn to live Meth-FREE!! (Praise Him!! ) Do I feel like a "hypocrite"... no! I feel "REAL"!!!!

Real is admitting we are no where near perfect but we are trying to be better!
Real is understanding that we can not fix anything or anyone... Only God can!
Real is brave and open and honest! Who we are, what we have done, and what God is doing in our lives each and every day to bring us closer to Him so that He may shine through us!!

Pastor Travis (of my new church home, The Refuge) spoke today on the two things God wants us to do. REPENT and SURRENDER!  As he spoke, I felt a stirring in my heart to give to the church the gifts and the talents God created in me! (could this be surrendering?) I have never "given" to the churches I have attended throughout my lifetime except my offerings. So this will be a journey and a blessing for me to begin! I'm so excited! I just had to share it with whoever might stumble upon this post!

What am I giving? ME! My time and a weekly bulletin. You see... I like to take notes, and God uses them at pre-planned dates and times when I will need them for a certain circumstance or challenge I might be facing. It's seems to be His way of reminding me of His word and His love! The Refuge does not currently have a weekly bulletin... so, after church this morning I offered my services (being purely amateur! LOL) to create and produce them each week. I have to give ALL the glory and honor to Christ as I leap out there with both feet ! I feel the peace of My God telling me to just follow and HE will give me the words to print and messages HE wants the readers to hear!

I left Church feeling alive and excited!! I couldn't have asked for more this morning!! =)

And finally... I got the opportunity to play "interior designer" for a friend the rest of the day! That ... is truly my other passion in life and one that I am currently in school for! I lay down this evening, a little sore from moving large furniture around and crawling up and down a chair to hang pictures and create a home for Heather to come home to everynight! My brain is a little tired from "creating" lol... thinking of "how would this look" ... "ok.. move this there, NOW how does it look?" ... "will she like it?" ... " am I reflecting HER style and not my own!!"  (although mine is pretty Fantastic!! LOL) But my soul is at peace and so very content and happy!

Now THAT... Is a Crazy -- Fantastic Day!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ahhh... peace and quiet for the body and soul!

I just finished a long day fighting computer applications and web sites that I "had" to learn. My head is pounding a little... but, my homework is done for the week (yay!) ... my business has a few products on it... not really the kind I am looking for, but some. Now I can rest and just browse. (I really should get cable TV so I could just veg in front of it instead of working and planning and researching for projects so much!)

But alas... I am not irritated by this laptop at the moment... nor do I really care about the "business" I  am building... tomorrow is another day! BIG improvement on earlier today.. huh? =)

Tomorrow's to do list?...

GOODY!! I get to "create" and "design"! (My friend has ended a long relationship and found her and her youngest daughter a new townhome! They request the services of this student designer. Nothing major... I don't get to go shop for cool stuff. (We are both broke!! LOL) ... but I do get to arrange it into a warm and comforting space for her and Maddie to come "home" to and that is good enough for me!

Then.... I have a cousin coming in from where I just left (Oklahoma) ... and her and her sis and a few other friends and family are gonna get together and just  be silly!!  I can't wait!!

It's been a long time since I have seen her... she lived in a different town in Okla. and I had no idea she was that close!!

The older I get... and the more break-ups and crap I experience (yep.. I've had my share! ) .. the more I realize how very special and important friends and family are!

(CrazyFantastic tip for tonight: Hold your family near and dear to you! Life is so very, very short and people come and go. Some before we want them to ... some not near fast enough!! ha ha... We all misunderstand, misinterpret, and sometimes just don't understand! Don't let it fester and ruin a lifetime of memories you could be making with your sister or brother or cousin or parent. You will look back when they are gone and regret it! Handle it now! Today! Call them.. write them!! Fix the issue .. if only to say " we disagree on the issue". Hold strong the bonds of family ties! They are what holds us as a piece of each other when one of us passes away. )

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 1... EEEK!!

Ok... So not only am I enrolled in school full time for Interior Design... but I have tackled the chore (and I do mean chore) of doing one of these 'Work at home' businesses!! Right now... my head is pounding and I wish nothing more than to THROW this computer on the floor and storm out of my room!!

"You must sign up for a Twitter acct.. a blog... get on Digg.... " is what the instructions are for this new "make money from the comfort of your home" business tutorials tell me!

Oh... and don't forget to pick your products from hundreds of thousands... they forget to tell you how LONG it will take to look at each and every one, attach it to your "site" and just try and relocate the page you were quickly!!

I'm not illiterate! I am enrolled in ON LINE SCHOOL for gosh sakes!! I have emails... I have ... YES! FACEBOOK!! =) I know Craigslist... Yahoo... Google!


Let's look at this another way!

1) I am ALIVE and HEALTHY!!!
2) I have the opportunity to have the things others do not... (attending college, start a business, have a computer... heck! Have a home and electricty! )
3) Throwing this computer WILL not make all this suddenly disappear.. my school won't get done... my business web page will not build itself! And I really don't wanna have to go buy another laptop!!
4) I can do this!! (after a short time out!! ) =)
5) I can do all things through Christ!!

So... I will take a self induced "time out" for awhile and return fresh in mind and spirit!!

(CrazyFantastic's tip of the day: When we find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated... taking a moment or two, even an hour or more... is GOOD ! Don't feel like you are wasting time or procrastinating. REJUVINATING is essential for peaceful minds and peaceful lives! No matter how crazy it gets!)