Monday, November 1, 2010

Bon Jovi - It's My Life... or is it?

I was just watching Bon Jovi's "It's my Life" on Youtube and I have to wonder.... after yesterday's church serman... is this really true?

Yes and No!

Yes, God gives us the "free will" to choose HOW we live our lives... but in the end ...

NO! ... for if we live it the way most of us CHOOSE to live it... oh my! We are not gonna like the consequences!

So to surrender to His will and turn our lives over to Him, even though doing is not easy or "fun" at times... sure will give us the rewards in eternity! I choose to follow this path instead!

Pastor Travis from The Refuge, Lubbock Tx spoke yesterday of fighting The Good Fight. ( II Timothy 4: 1-17 (from THE MESSAGE version). ... strong words in a world that chases fads and likes to believe whatever "feels better" to them is the "truth".

As Pastor Travis said, " Being a Christian comes with costs!" Costs hurt! Plain and simple. To walk with God REQUIRES discipline and often it is OURSELVES that become our biggest enemy when choosing truth over lies. Discipline is never "fun' but it is out of LOVE that God disciplines us. He only wants to direct our steps now for the eternity He PROMISED US!!

Going to the scriptures for guidence and truth is the only way we can be sure that we are obeying our Lord! Being prepared for what is sure to arrise by choosing HOW we will react ahead of time allows us to not let the circumstances ( which we all need to realize now ... are only TEMPORARY) take away God's promise.... that is ETERNITY!

So ... it is really My LIFE ? Sure it is.

Do I want to run it myself? NO! I can't even begin to know that things that God has in my future and quite frankly... I would probably live in constant fear knowing. So I choose, no matter how hectic and crazy my circumstances are right now or in the future... to embrace the trust and faith I am daily attaining IN CHRIST ... to handle those "temporary circumstances" with peace and a quiet spirit. He will carry me through WHATEVER comes along!

Pastor Travis likes to say "HOLD FAST"... I like to say  "BE STILL... and KNOW THAT I AM GOD!" ( Psalms 46:10 KJV)
"Be Still" in the Bible: Psalm 46:10
There are times to speak up and take action--but sometimes it's important to just humbly sit back and silently reflect on God's presence. This psalm encourages us to take time to meditate quietly in the assurance that God is in control.

I have to trust that God is ALWAYS in control! Not me! .... and what peace we have when we can be believe HIS WORD and HIS PROMISES  and just let Him handle all the temporaries in our lives!!
Have a Crazy FANTASTIC week!! =)

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