Monday, November 15, 2010

What are the Youth in YOUR COMMUNITY DOING?

What an amazing testimony to the Power of Jesus Christ and the lives that can and will be totally transformed for His Good and His Glory!

This link came through a rather unusal source... on a page not MEANT for it's content but meant for it's LOGO.

I love Jacob Cass from   I wonder if he realizes that sharing this "LOGO" also just shared the message of the Youth Venture ? ( I have a sneaky feeling... he does!)  =)

Take a moment and watch the video. Check out the page and get to know what people ARE doing to Change the Youth of Today in the most God like kind of way!

The world seems overwhelming and anyone that has run up against one of the youths of today that suffer the pains and afflictions portrayed in these testimonies has probably once or twice thought "what is this world coming to? How do we save these young people?"  Well, One at a time! And it CAN be done.

It's time that Christians get out of their comfort zone and DO SOMETHING! Stop talking about how bad it is and get involved. Open centers like this. Offer love and support and give these kids somewhere safe to go to. BE good role models and stop blaming the world.

I say this because I myself was not ALWAYS the best mom or the best role model for my own kids. I suffered and they suffered. It is taking me having to  throw it all in and asking God to mold me and make me a better mom and influence and role model for not only my kids, but their friends and their children. They are our FUTURE! If they do not know how to live how are we to expect them to lead our country and our future?

I hope this video has stirred in you a least a little of what it has awakened in me! A desire and a passion to locate, start, join... whatever I need to do. So that the youth of MY area can have a place just like the Youth Venture on the East Coast.

If you know of current programs in YOUR city, please feel free to post them here and share this with others to spread this message and start a change right where you live and love!!

~CrazyFantastic... saying God speed to all!! ~

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