Monday, December 6, 2010

Taking the time to touch a SOUL and say "HI"

I have been busy... what can I say? Too busy to blog! =)

However, I thought I would take a few minutes to just share a poem and a message that digs deep in my soul. A friend emailed me this, I do not know who the author is but kudos to you wherever and whoever you are!
Shoes in church
I showered and shaved, I adjusted my tie. I got there and sat in a pew just in time. Bowing my head in prayer, as I closed my eyes, I saw the shoe of the man next to me, touching my own, and I sighed.
With plenty of room on either side, I thought, 'Why must our soles touch?' It bothered me, his shoe touching mine... But it didn't bother him as much. A prayer began: 'Our Father'............. I thought, 'This man with the shoes has no pride. They’re dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!'
 'Thank You for blessings,' the prayer went on. The shoe man said a quiet 'Amen.' I tried to focus on the prayer....... But my thoughts were on his shoes again. Aren't we supposed to look our best when walking through that door? 'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought, glancing toward the floor.
Then the prayer was ended, and the songs of praise began…the shoe man was certainly loud sounding proud as he sang. His voice lifted the rafters, his hands were raised high. The Lord could surely hear the shoe man's voice from the sky.
It was time for the offering and what I threw in was steep. I watched as the shoe man reached into his pockets real deep. I saw what was pulled out…what the shoe man put in. Then I heard a soft ‘clink’ (like when silver hits tin).
The sermon really bored me to tears (that’s no lie). It was the same for the shoe man (for tears fell from his eyes). At the end of the service (as is the custom here), we must greet new visitors, and show them all good cheer.
But I felt somehow moved and wanted to meet the shoe man. So after the closing prayer, I reached over and shook his hand. He was old, his skin was dark and his hair was truly a mess but I thanked him for coming, for being our guest.
He said, 'My names' Charlie, I'm glad to meet you, my friend.' There were tears in his eyes but he had a large, wide grin. 'Let me explain,' he said, wiping tears from his eyes. 'I've been coming here for months and you're the first to say 'Hi.'' I know that my appearance well, it’s not like all the rest. But I really do try to always look my best. I always clean and polish my shoes before my very long walk…but by the time I get here they're dirty and dusty…just like chalk.'
My heart filled with pain and I swallowed to hide my tears. As he continued to apologize for daring to sit so near… he said, 'When I get here, I know I must look a sight. But I thought if I could touch you, then maybe our souls might unite’.
I was silent for a moment, (knowing whatever was said)… would pale in comparison, so I spoke from my heart, not my head. 'Oh, you've touched me,' I said. ‘And taught me, in part; that the best of any man IS  WHAT’S FOUND IN HIS HEART'. The rest (I thought), this shoe man will never know…like just how thankful I really am, that his dirty old shoe touched my SOUL.

It brought tears streaming down my face as I read this and imagined just how many people we all run across daily that we do not bother to acknowledge and recognize.... how very sad that is.

We are all very busy people. We have hectic lives and emotional chaos at times where we feel life cannot put one more thing on us. I get that... I too have been one of the "we" and "us" I mention here!

My only question is... have people become so callous and so selfish that we don't realize how many lonely people are out there just wishing and waiting for us to just say "Hi"? Are we so busy in our push to get ahead (or just to get by) that we cannot remember to treat another human being, regardless of their appearance , LIKE A HUMAN BEING?

Our God sent His Son to this earth to show us a glimpse of the LOVE that He has for us and yet we, as Christians and as humans can't seem to share a touched sole with someone we feel is not worthy.

Were we worthy of the greatest gift of Salvation? Will we ever be worth of such love and grace that abounds and covers every sin we ever had or ever will have? No!  A resounding NO!  But we have been offered it and it is ours for the taking at any given moment with a simple prayer and a humble sincere heart. It is a gift of eternal life. No matter where we have been or what we have done... there is a peace and healing available 24/7...365 days a year.

As a Believer and as a human , I pray that I do not fall victim to being too busy or too shallow to touch a soul or say "hi" to the next stranger I meet. Love covers so much pain and it brings such a glimmer of hope and happiness that lasts much much longer than the .5 seconds that saying a simple "hi" takes to utter!

God loves you WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW! We are called to make a way for Christ in others lives... not to drag them kicking and bucking into "our churches"... but to be a living testimony and example of the peace and love we have received and to just SHOW that to the world... we are to LOVE others WHERE THEY ARE... forgetting where they have been!

I challenge each of you to take a moment today and make a difference in someone's life! It only takes a few seconds ... but, man... is it ever worth it!

Love Crazy... Love well... and Show the world just who you are in Christ! Selah!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What are the Youth in YOUR COMMUNITY DOING?

What an amazing testimony to the Power of Jesus Christ and the lives that can and will be totally transformed for His Good and His Glory!

This link came through a rather unusal source... on a page not MEANT for it's content but meant for it's LOGO.

I love Jacob Cass from   I wonder if he realizes that sharing this "LOGO" also just shared the message of the Youth Venture ? ( I have a sneaky feeling... he does!)  =)

Take a moment and watch the video. Check out the page and get to know what people ARE doing to Change the Youth of Today in the most God like kind of way!

The world seems overwhelming and anyone that has run up against one of the youths of today that suffer the pains and afflictions portrayed in these testimonies has probably once or twice thought "what is this world coming to? How do we save these young people?"  Well, One at a time! And it CAN be done.

It's time that Christians get out of their comfort zone and DO SOMETHING! Stop talking about how bad it is and get involved. Open centers like this. Offer love and support and give these kids somewhere safe to go to. BE good role models and stop blaming the world.

I say this because I myself was not ALWAYS the best mom or the best role model for my own kids. I suffered and they suffered. It is taking me having to  throw it all in and asking God to mold me and make me a better mom and influence and role model for not only my kids, but their friends and their children. They are our FUTURE! If they do not know how to live how are we to expect them to lead our country and our future?

I hope this video has stirred in you a least a little of what it has awakened in me! A desire and a passion to locate, start, join... whatever I need to do. So that the youth of MY area can have a place just like the Youth Venture on the East Coast.

If you know of current programs in YOUR city, please feel free to post them here and share this with others to spread this message and start a change right where you live and love!!

~CrazyFantastic... saying God speed to all!! ~

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Holy Alphabet

I got this from a friend this morning in the mail! I thought it was worth posting cuz it is so original and cool! I do not know the original author!

The Holy Alphabet . . ..


Whoever came up with this one must have had some Divine guidance!

Although things are not perfect Because of trial or pain Continue in thanksgiving Do not begin to blame Even when the times are hard Fierce winds are bound to blow God is forever able Hold on to what you know Imagine life without His love J oy would cease to be Keep thanking Him for all the things Love imparts to thee Move out of "Camp Complaining" No weapon that is known On earth can yield the power Praise can do alone Quit looking at the future Redeem the time at hand Start every day with worship To "thank" is a command Until we see Him coming Victorious in the sky We'll run the race with gratitude X alting God most high Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but... Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
"I AM Too blessed to be stressed!" The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything. Love and peace be with you forever, Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why must we surrender?

This morning our Pastor, Travis Zachary (The Refuge) spoke on "Surrendering" with a power that moved me to my core!

As I sat listening to him share a very intense, very vivid dream .... tears rolled down my face. I did nothing to stop them or to hide them. God was speaking directly through Pastor Travis in a way that to some, might seem off the scale... but to me, a new member of this congregation... it was just perfect!

You see... I am what some people might view on the outside as "normal". I certainly can clean up well... was raised in a God fearing and was surrounded by very loving, devoted parents. I have had a "business" career in a totally "acceptable" field and raised 2 great kids. I'm a student, a mom, a nana, a daughter, and a sister!
 I don't have piercings and only have 3 small tattoos. Mild by comparison... I haven't been to prison (although some of my husbands/ long term boyfriends certainly have) ... I don't steal or cheat people... and I am a friend to all in need!

However, INSIDE... I was a wreck! (Still healing.. still growing... still learning)! You see...  I am a Recovering Addict. Meth head, as society calls us. I lost so much, including a husband I adored and was devoted to with everything that I am! Homes... cars... friends... all the furnishings and mementos of a time so far away, it seems... baby pictures and those of my late husband. I live with my grown son... in HIS home, because I have none of my own.

Why do I tell you these things? For the simple fact that I only want you to understand that I have been where some of you are even if I do not appear to be on the outside. I know the thoughts and the struggles and the pain. I know the self-loathing and the degrading acts desperation for love and approval can drive one to. I know the worthlessness and the confusion felt when love is taken away so easily by those that claim to love you the most.

I have fought and fought to "fix" this addiction in me... I have won temporary battles but continually kept losing the war!

Pastor Travis has no idea of the vessel he was today to bring deep to my very being... the one thing I have needed the most, but never totally understood. Surrender! Plain and simple... surrendering to God. Everything I have, everything I am.... surrendering completely and honestly to my Father in Heaven who took His most loved, most precious Son... and heaped ALL the sins of every man, woman and child ... long before we were even born... and took His Glory AWAY from HIS own child FOR US!! I cannot image how painful and wretched that would be for either of them at that moment on the Cross. To know infinite and unexplainable love and beauty and perfection and having it ripped away in a moment because of all the SIN that was heaped upon the Cross and washed with Christs very own blood.
If God could do all that FOR ME and FOR YOU... Why then, do we fight Him or deny Him even one minute thing when He asks us to simply trust Him and FOLLOW Him... to LOVE Him ... to simply ALLOW HIM TO LEAD US AND FILL US AND LOVE US AND GIVE US SO MANY THINGS EVEN OUR GREATEST HEARTS DESIRES CANNOT FATHOM?

I AM HIS CHILD for goodness sake! Just as I would NEVER want my children to hurt or be without... He doesn't either! He want only the best for me and like a baby to a parent... I have to just trust and believe and take His hand... knowing... that HE WILL NEVER LET ME DOWN!!

Thank you Pastor Travis... for the message you brought out of your very personal, very raw ... REAL EXPERIENCE with God this past week. I do not put the glory on you, please do not think so... I KNOW where the message came from and I know that we are only mere vessels God uses. But, Man o Man! I get you! And I thank you!

Praise GOD!

Surrendering my all to my God that has only good things in store for me is the only choice that makes any sense in a world that makes none at all!

For those in the Lubbock Area... Come visit. Come see that no matter what we look like on the outside.... no matter where we have been or what we have done... no matter where you are right now.....  there IS a REFUGE waiting for us all! It's in the arms of God. The following link is to my church.

Have a wonderful week!

A cool link on Surrendering... it's worth the time!

Bon Jovi - It's My Life... or is it?

I was just watching Bon Jovi's "It's my Life" on Youtube and I have to wonder.... after yesterday's church serman... is this really true?

Yes and No!

Yes, God gives us the "free will" to choose HOW we live our lives... but in the end ...

NO! ... for if we live it the way most of us CHOOSE to live it... oh my! We are not gonna like the consequences!

So to surrender to His will and turn our lives over to Him, even though doing is not easy or "fun" at times... sure will give us the rewards in eternity! I choose to follow this path instead!

Pastor Travis from The Refuge, Lubbock Tx spoke yesterday of fighting The Good Fight. ( II Timothy 4: 1-17 (from THE MESSAGE version). ... strong words in a world that chases fads and likes to believe whatever "feels better" to them is the "truth".

As Pastor Travis said, " Being a Christian comes with costs!" Costs hurt! Plain and simple. To walk with God REQUIRES discipline and often it is OURSELVES that become our biggest enemy when choosing truth over lies. Discipline is never "fun' but it is out of LOVE that God disciplines us. He only wants to direct our steps now for the eternity He PROMISED US!!

Going to the scriptures for guidence and truth is the only way we can be sure that we are obeying our Lord! Being prepared for what is sure to arrise by choosing HOW we will react ahead of time allows us to not let the circumstances ( which we all need to realize now ... are only TEMPORARY) take away God's promise.... that is ETERNITY!

So ... it is really My LIFE ? Sure it is.

Do I want to run it myself? NO! I can't even begin to know that things that God has in my future and quite frankly... I would probably live in constant fear knowing. So I choose, no matter how hectic and crazy my circumstances are right now or in the future... to embrace the trust and faith I am daily attaining IN CHRIST ... to handle those "temporary circumstances" with peace and a quiet spirit. He will carry me through WHATEVER comes along!

Pastor Travis likes to say "HOLD FAST"... I like to say  "BE STILL... and KNOW THAT I AM GOD!" ( Psalms 46:10 KJV)
"Be Still" in the Bible: Psalm 46:10
There are times to speak up and take action--but sometimes it's important to just humbly sit back and silently reflect on God's presence. This psalm encourages us to take time to meditate quietly in the assurance that God is in control.

I have to trust that God is ALWAYS in control! Not me! .... and what peace we have when we can be believe HIS WORD and HIS PROMISES  and just let Him handle all the temporaries in our lives!!
Have a Crazy FANTASTIC week!! =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

When Letting go is the right thing to do....

Sometimes we get lonely and when the ex is still contacting us.... we entertain the thought that, well... if only ...!

But when you have beat that poor dead horse into the ground... tried everything from couseling to separation (numerous times) ... dated his friend (just kidding... seeing if you were paying attention!) it's time to just bury the beast and move on. But what if we are stuck in that limbo hell? The one "between relationships"? The one where our heart still loves the last one, but can't seem to forgive and forget the pain he caused?

 Sometimes we have to step back and re-evaluate our feelings.

Are they coming from just lonliness? If a new guy came in and wow'd us... would we even think twice about the ex? Probably not. Afterall... we are not together for a very good reason. One or both just couldn't make it work. Don't get me wrong. As much as that sounds like a "failure" statement, it is not meant to be one.

Relationships are hard work! They require constant open and honest communication. A skill so many people are malnourished in. They require that you be "considerate"... allllll the time. (No one deserves to be treated less-than or insignifigant. We ALL want to matter, especially to the one we bare our hopes and dreams and future with!) They require sacrifice and unselfishness. They require us to "understand" and "sympthize". A give and take, when often it feels like we are the only one giving. They require patience and forgiveness. And most of all they require unconditional love. A concept humans have a real struggle with.

We are selfish creatures by nature. Wanting what we want, when we want it. So how do we balance what we see for our future with what our partner sees?We FIND the right partner in the first place by getting to really know them before jumping to the "next step".

I recently joined a dating site in which long term relationships seem to be the goal... and there is not much patience by most to actually LET the relationship move at a casual pace. I am disappointed to say the least. What ever happened to casual conversation? Has the 3 date rule turned into a 3- EMAIL RULE?
They say "hi", you say "hi"... they want your number... you call... the date must be immediate? Maybe I am missing something here. Maybe I do not belong on a site yet. But , I DID state very clearly my intentions and limitations. I have a very busy schedule with school work and church. Those are my priorities for this period of my life. If I wanted to throw them away for another man and what HE thinks should be important... I would go back to my ex. At least then... I know what the routine is!

There is one who knows the concept and the reality of uncondional love. That is My God. So as lonliness sets in and human nature rears it's ugly head. I only know , at this point in my life, to pray that the ex stops contacting me as it keeps my heart in turmoil... and pray that the lonliness is replaced with His love and His comfort as only God can do.  Maybe once I stop looking to "man" to give me the love I so desire... God will work in me to make the woman he created me to be...maybe then, He will hook me up with someone He created FOR me to love!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hey!! I forgot about my Google Doc acct!

Ok... so I remembered... I have a Google Doc acct and so I used it to upload the church bulletin!

Go check it out!! And feel free to tell me what you think!
